The best age to learn how to make a pass into the right space and become familiar with scoring is between the ages of six and eight, as children's minds are ready to assimilate the analytical concepts of passing and the interest in having the ability to score.
Dr. Alireza Abbasi, who works with several Football and Futsal academies around the world, including the capital of Belarus, Russia and Colombia, believes that in Football and Futsal training exercises are not for all ages and coaches should know this and have a training protocol suitable for different ages.
"Football and Futsal Coaches should have an age-appropriate training protocol"
Without any doubt, age-appropriate exercises for children will allow for optimal performance and brilliance at later ages in the future, otherwise it may cause irreparable consequences and damage to the young player.
“Age-appropriate exercises at the right age will lead to optimal performance in the future”
For example, plyometric exercises should never be used between the ages of six and eight years, because at this age the child is growing and developing, and this exercises can cause the growth plate at the end of the large bones to close and never grow back.
“The best training at this age is to show to the players scenes of conditions close to the game”
The best training at this age is to show scenes of playing conditions and conditions close to the game, and after some time of training in the form of images we should put it into practice and ask the players to play in those conditions so that they can do what they have learned in their mind.
Repetition training improves the players individual technique which will make them perform better in those real playing conditions.
“Players minds at this age are ready to assimilate the analytical concepts of passing and shooting"
The application of this training methodology has been tried and tested for several days in different academies with satisfactory results in terms of the evolution of the players who have responded better to this type of training.
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