Terms and Conditions

Terms of use and contracting

1.- Ownership

https://weikfutsal.com/ is an Internet domain owned by Albert Conejos Sobregués, with NIF: 46987580Y and address at C/ Joana Raspall 15C, 5º 3ª, 08980 Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Spain, (hereinafter Weik Futsal).

2.- Acceptance

This online platform, its services and subscriptions (hereinafter the Service), is subject to the following terms and conditions: these Terms of Use and Contracting, Terms of Use and Contracting for Affiliates, our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.

When you use the Service, you agree to our terms and conditions and thereby agree not to use the Service for illegal purposes.

On the other hand, we inform you that for legal reasons we archive the electronic documents in which purchases are formalized. You can access these documents at any time by requesting it via email.

3.- Description of the Service

3.1.- Description 

https://weikfutsal.com/es the Holder's Website and serves as a tool for both information and contracting of the products offered.

Through the Service, Weik Futsal allows the contracting of different training modalities: 

  • Free content
  • Paid contents
  • Subscriptions

In addition, whether you are an individual or a company, you can subscribe to the different paid training contents offered on our website. The amount will be paid independently of each other or you can also subscribe to have access to all the contents offered on the platform

3.2.- Provision

The process of contracting a course or subscription plan will be as follows:

  • Select the course or subscription plan you wish to purchase.

  • In any case you must be registered or proceed to register on the website with a username and password.

  • Once registered you will have to proceed to make the payment by entering your personal data and payment details. At this stage you will also be presented with the acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use and the button to confirm the purchase.

Once the purchase is completed, it will be confirmed by sending an e-mail, within 24 hours, to the address you have indicated. The e-mail will indicate the contracted product, the amount, the payment method and the applicable terms and conditions.

In any case, you can always request it by e-mail.

3.3.- Use

Users agree to use the Service in accordance with current legislation and the terms and conditions of the platform.

Likewise, users agree not to collect data for advertising purposes, send advertising of any kind or communications for sales purposes or other commercial nature. Nor may it make available to third parties, for any purpose, data collected in the Service.

In case of breach of these obligations, users must respond to them.

Similarly, in case of damaging, disabling, overloading, deteriorating or preventing the normal use of the materials and information contained in the Service, information systems or documents, files and all kinds of content stored on any computer equipment of the Service, its members or any user of the Service.

3.4.- Subscription

If you purchase a subscription to the Service, it may be monthly or annual, for the amount expressed on the website itself and will be automatically renewed for the same period of time until its termination.

Unless you cancel your subscription, you authorize us to charge the applicable subscription fee to your payment method.

You may cancel your subscription to the Service at any time, and you will continue to have access to the Service until the end of your billing period. To the extent permitted by law, payments are non-refundable and we do not provide refunds or credits for full or partial subscription periods.

4.- External links

You may be directed from the Service to other websites via links.

However, Weik Futsal does not control those sites or their content, which are in fact subject to their own terms and conditions. Therefore, Weik Futsal is not responsible for the quality, truthfulness or accuracy of those sites.

5.- Age

For the use of the Service, you declare that you are of legal age and that you have the necessary legal capacity to be bound by this agreement, and to use it in accordance with its terms and conditions, which you fully understand and acknowledge.

If you are contracting the Service on behalf of a company, you acknowledge that you have the appropriate authorization and representation on behalf of the organization to do so.

You declare that all the information you provide to access the Service, before and during its use, is true, complete and accurate.

6.- Intellectual and industrial property

The content and information of the Service (including, but not limited to, text, sound, video, image or computer code), as well as the infrastructure used to provide such content and information, is the property of Weik Futsal or has the corresponding authorizations for its use.

In addition, the modification, reproduction, duplication, copying, distribution, sale, resale and other forms of exploitation for commercial or equivalent purposes of the Service are prohibited.

For any other use of the content of the Service you need our prior written consent.

7.- User Content

7.1.- Content

You can contribute to the Service by sending us messages to our email address or through the contact form.

We may use your Content in various ways, such as: displaying it on the website, reformatting it, translating it into other languages, editing it for clarity, correcting errors, promoting it or distributing it.

Therefore, by submitting Content to us you grant Weik Futsal a worldwide, non-exclusive, free, non-transferable, sublicensable and sublicensable license to use that Content.

This means that the Content remains yours, but Weik Futsal, thanks to this license of use, may: a) use, reproduce, modify, adapt, translate, distribute and publish the Content, create derivative works from it, display and exhibit it worldwide, by any known means and for any legitimate purpose; and b) use the name you submit in connection with that Content.

However, Weik Futsal reserves the right not to publish Content or information that is false or contrary to the rights of third parties.

7.2.- Prohibited activities

In addition, you agree not to perform any of the following acts:

a) Access, monitor or copy content or information from this website through the use of robots, crawlers, data scrapers or any other automated means to access, crawl, index, retrieve or otherwise use the website or its content for any purpose without the explicit written permission of Weik Futsal;

b) Embed, mirror or otherwise incorporate any part of this website into another website without our prior written permission;

c) Attempt to modify, translate, adapt, edit, decompile, disassemble or reverse engineer any software program that Weik Futsal uses in connection with the website;

d) Use the website to threaten, harass, defraud, incite, harass another person or advocate harassment of another person, or otherwise interfere with another user's use of the website;

e) Use the website to send or transmit spam, chain letters, contests, junk mail, pyramid schemes, surveys or other bulk messages, whether commercial or non-commercial in nature;

f) Use the website to infringe the rights of third parties, including breach of confidence and infringement of copyright, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, moral rights, privacy rights or any other intellectual property or proprietary rights;

g) Attempting to gain unauthorized access to the website, computer systems or networks connected to the website by hacking, password mining or any other means. As well as the transmission of computer viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses or other elements of a destructive nature;

h) Use any device, software or routine that interferes with the proper functioning and security measures of the website.

8.- Price and taxes

The prices of the contents and subscriptions offered on Weik Futsal are indicated in euros (€), including the corresponding taxes in force at the time of purchase.

In case of doubt or if you want to ask us about any specific case in this case, please write to us via email.

In any case, if depending on your country of residence or the condition in which you act, you consider that the operation could be exempt or not subject to VAT, you must indicate it by sending by e-mail your VAT number, in order not to record the purchases with this tax and/or return the proportional part that corresponds.

9.- Payment and means

To contract a subscription or a course, it is essential to pay in full and in advance.

The payment can be made:

  • By credit and debit card.
  • Paypal

In this sense, Weik Futsal informs the holders of credit and debit cards that transactions in the online store are made in a secure payment gateway, using TLS technology to ensure the security of data transmission.

10.- Validity of the offers

The contents and subscriptions offered in the Service, and the prices of these, will be available for contracting while they are in the catalogue displayed through this website.

In any case, Weik Futsal reserves the right to modify the Service as it deems appropriate, and may update subscriptions and services according to the market.

Likewise, Weik Futsal reserves the right to change prices without prior notice.

We inform you that despite the updates that are made to the prices of the Service, they may contain errors. We will promptly correct any errors that appear, but they will not be binding on the Service.

11.- Disclaimer of warranties and liability

Except in those cases expressly described in these terms and conditions and to the extent permitted by law, Weik Futsal is not liable for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of accuracy, completeness or timeliness, including errors and omissions, of the information contained in the Service. Likewise, it is not responsible for any duty or commitment to verify or monitor its contents and information.

Likewise, Weik Futsal does not guarantee the availability and absolute continuity of the functioning of the Services. Weik Futsal will try to give sufficient advance notice of any interruptions that may occur in the operation of the Service whenever possible.

Weik Futsal excludes, to the full extent permitted by law, any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of the operation of the Service. Likewise, with respect to the defrauding of the usefulness that users may have attributed to the Service.

Likewise, Weik Futsal excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the use of the Service and its contents by users, clients or professionals, or that may be due to the lack of veracity, validity or authenticity of the information that users provide to others about themselves. In particular, Weik Futsal excludes any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the impersonation of a third party by a user in any kind of communication made through the Service.

Similarly, Weik Futsal is not responsible for any duty or commitment to verify or monitor its contents and information, especially that relating to comments made by users.

Finally, in the event of force majeure (for example, adverse weather conditions, technical or material problems, or the impossibility of offering the workshops, events and/or courses for reasons beyond Weik Futsal's control), the activity or course will be scheduled on a new date and if the participant is unable to attend, he/she will have the right to request a full refund of the registration fee.

In this case, the affected user must send an email attaching the confirmation of registration for the cancelled activity and a photocopy of the purchaser's identity document.

In case of doubt, please contact us via email.

12.- Withdrawal, cancellations and refunds

12.1.- Withdrawal

Given the type of services and products provided by Weik Futsal, the right of withdrawal shall not be applicable in accordance with Article 103, paragraph m) of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, 2007, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.

In this sense, the acquisition by the user of the contents and subscriptions offered by the Service, whether for individuals or legal entities, must be paid in full in advance and will not contemplate refunds of any kind, either partial or total.

12.2.- Cancellations and refunds

The user may cancel the subscription to the Service at any time, from its own account or by contacting us via email.


In any case, the cancellation of the Service will not imply any refund, either partial or total, of the amount paid. The user will be able to access the content and use his subscription until the end of the contracted period.

The subscriptions contracted may not be assigned or transferred to other users of the Service.

In case of doubt, please contact us via email.

13.- Modifications and nullity

We may update the terms and conditions of the Service in the future, as well as features and functions of the Service itself.

We will inform you about changes in terms and conditions that may affect you by means of communications on our website so that you can check the changes made.

If any provision of these terms and conditions is declared, in whole or in part, invalid or unenforceable, it will only affect that provision or that part of it that is invalid or unenforceable. The terms and conditions shall survive in all other respects, and such provision, or the part thereof that is affected, shall be deemed not to have been made.

14.- Security

As indicated above, the entire contracting procedure, as well as the transmission of your personal data and payment systems, is carried out on a secure page and encrypted through the TLS protocol.

We guarantee the security of the Service in accordance with the present technological know-how. However, Weik Futsal cannot guarantee the total future security of the Service. In any case, we do undertake to remedy and implement the appropriate corrective measures to correct a possible security breach as soon as possible.

You agree to notify Weik Futsal, immediately and via email, any situation that could lead to the impersonation of a user.

15.- Claims and actions arising from the contract

To the extent possible, this Service is governed by Spanish law and in case of dispute the parties submit to the courts and tribunals of Barcelona.

However, in order to simplify the resolution of civil claims and reduce costs, we do not exclude the possibility of submitting to an Arbitration of Equity of the Court of Arbitration of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

Similarly, and in accordance with the applicable regulations, Weik Futsal informs of the existence of a European online dispute resolution platform that facilitates the out-of-court resolution of such disputes for contracts concluded online between consumers and Internet service providers. This platform can be accessed through the following website: http://ec.europa.eu/odr

16.- Contact us

If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please contact us through our contact form.


Contact details and contact form

Write to us via the contact form or, if you prefer, by email, telephone, WhatsApp or social media - we'll get back to you as soon as possible!
